4 Dream Killers for Potential Leaders and Winners
With so many people content to live inside the box of Averagedom,
it must be comfortable and appealing, right? Yet, studies show that more than
47% of people are discontent with their life and personal achievements. If so
many people are unhappy with who they are and what they have achieved, why don’t
they do something about it? Is the box so rewarding that people settle for
second best for their lives? Or are the obstacles that prevent people from
getting out the box so powerful?
It is true; many
people choose to remain average throughout their lives. Although there are many
reasons for people to stay inside, this article explores 4 difficulties people have
trying to get out of the box. These are not the only reasons people struggle to
break free from mediocrity, but they offer an insight to the most common
barriers to success for potential leaders and winners.