The Secret Intent for the Born or Made Leadership Debate
Are leaders born or are they made? This debate reaches far and wide and has been around for as long as leaders have had a title. Let's look at why the born or made debate matters to you: People from all over get involved in the debate about whether leaders are born or made. This topic ranks high on YouTube and Google search analytics. People want to know. The internet is full of articles, blogs, videos and podcasts detailing the creators' opinion, showing that the divide is wide and the debate is as heated as ever. The question strikes a chord with all kinds of people at various levels of life, provoking leaders and non-leaders alike. The non-leaders are prone to taking a dogmatic stance, selecting their view in the face of evidence that states otherwise. It is safe to say that people are passionate about their opinions. Although, leaders don't seem as protective about their view on the matter, maybe because they have the title already. Polls and discussions on ...