
Showing posts from February, 2022

4 Reasons People Stagnate

  "You're procrastinating!" How many times has someone said this to you? How often have you said it to yourself? You know it's true at some level, but somehow it doesn’t feel like procrastination. It's not that you are putting off what you need to do, it's more like you don't know what to do. You searched the internet for advice to overcome procrastination because you feel obliged to and hoped to find solutions. You downloaded stuff and worked to overcome it, but oh my goodness, nothing seems to work. So, here's a thought, if all of the remedies you use fail to bring relief, maybe you are not procrastinating. Maybe you have stagnated. Yes, there is a difference. The techniques to overcome procrastination will certainly not address stagnation. What's worse is that the anti-procrastination advice will probably make the stagnant individual feel depressed and anxious. The two traits look the same on the surface, but you will notice they are different o...

Why we walk in Darkness

  We walk in darkness to cloak our brokenness, but the light is calling. Trauma, rejection and scarcity aren't just events in our history, but they are evil alchemists too. This nasty trio turns your mental juices into depression, makes your heart circulate bitterness, and turns your hope to expect only failure - for one reason only - to keep you in the dark. We mistakenly believe that darkness is our friend and will tend to our wounds, but the darkness only lets them fester. Darkness keeps us separated from others too, just in case someone points out our weakening state and offers real help, real solutions, real love. It's in light that we find healing. It is in light that we discover our worth. Yes, I know that those that hand a hand in breaking you claimed to represent the light. But it remains, in their brokenness, their attempts to help you failed. Forgive them. Forgive them and seek your wholeness. We can't find it by night. We find it in the light. We find o...