Let your only sin be hesitation

Asking someone to believe in their own greatness may be too much. Instead, ask them to believe in the calling, and the Caller.

 A lone bush burning in the desert may not seem strange to some folks, but it caught the attention of the only person camping nearby as odd. Then, to make things really creepy, the bush spoke, nearly causing Moses to seek shelter inside his own belly button.

  The story of God calling on Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egyot strongly resonates within me, not that I've ever heard God speak from a burning bush. I like Moses's story, because it's so honest... funny, but honest. It represents the way in which so many of us respond to the calling on our lives.

 The excuse Moses used to delay his calling was "I, I, s, stu, I stutt, I s, s, I stutter..." If only I could get dollar for every time someone used an excuse to get out of their calling, I'd be a gazillionaire! Even though he was raised in a royal house, our "man of the hour" felt he could not do the job, because he lacked worth.

  The moment we face our calling, we realise that it's asking us to be the best version of our selves. That's the moment when we resort to excuses to mask the truth we feel: "I'm not worthy." You may have all the stuff you need to live out your calling, or you may not. Either way, God has a "No Backsies" policy on what He wants you to do. Suck it up, buttercup. You've been tagged, and you're it!

 What I really like about Moses is the stutter. That hesitation gave him enough time to realise Who was doing the calling. In that moment, he realised he was called to help Israel, a noble call, that spoke to his own heart. Moses didn't feel worthy or capable to do that job, but he believed that the One that called him was worthy. Moses didn't say "no" to God, he merely said "I am not ready." The stutter gave him the reason and the opportunity to equip himself to do what was asked.

  To refuse your calling is to deny who you are. Don't turn God down. Rather say, "I, I, I am, n, not, I am not ready." Then, use the delay to equip yourself. Choose to believe in the cause, and please, choose to believe in the One that called. Let your only sin be hesitation, and let that hesitation prepare you for greatness.


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