Different not seperate

To you, one of God's unique little kids, I want to say that different does not mean seperate.

 Often people sitting on the fringes of society feel disconnected from the rest of the world. They sit on the fringe because they are different, and others draw away. These are people that dont blindly accept tradition as truth, unwilling to conform just for the sake of agreement. These oddballs look at life from an angle that most ... well, let's just say, that most have never considered.

 Fringe life is a lonely and a trying place. Even though most fringe-sitters have friends, it's a meeting-by-appointment arrangement, as the friends dont really want to expose others to the one-of-a-kind perspectives. So, "fringees" dont usually get invited to the big get-togethers, and live in solitude, sometimes by choice, sometimes not.

 Take courage you special biscuits, I want to tell you something. The world in which we live is shaped by the odd dreams of artists and inventors that are shunned by convention. It's in the peculiar view offered by true visionaries, that others find hope for growth, challenge and change. It's the curious soul searching the outer parts of the universe that returns with truth to transform a generation. 

Even as the tree pushes out the branch to live out its individuality, it is still connected to the tree. The branch is fed by the tree, and in turn feeds the tree. Even in the branch's uniqueness, and distant proximity, it is still a part of the tree. Differentness is not sign of seperatedness.

 This world feeds off your individuality, and in turn offers sustainability for your originality. Even though its sometimes lonely on the fringe, it is still a functional and important role you live. 


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