Kay se rah, what will your actions be?

One would think that the actions taken to achieve a vision would actually take you closer to that goal. Indeed, successful people and companies alike focus on doing only the tasks and activities that carry them closer to their destination. This is called "efficiency."

 It's staggering to observe just how much "inefficiency" happens. People get caught up, worn down, and burnt out, committed to actions that at best, takes them no where, and at worst, takes them further away from their goal.

 What's really shocking is how many people actually take no action towards achievement of their ideal life at all, leaving the outcome to "che sera, sera, whatever will be will be." If they had no ambition, this attitude would be perfectly reasonable, but it is usually people with a dream that do nothing about it.

 "Faith," I hear you bellow. "The non-active are believing for the outcome" you reason. Possibly. However, faith is a strong emotion wrapped tightly in definitive actions, rarely demonstrated by the passively ambitious this article refers to.

 People tend to start out right, but in the haze of the sweat and grind they lose sight of the vision, getting bogged down in stuff. It doesn't matter how important the "stuff" is, it distracts from the success desired.

 Critical evaluation about actions, or the lack thereof, is necessary. Have a deep and honest look into the vision and actions taken, like only you can, and ask - does this action or task take me closer to my goal? If the answer is "yes," then hooray! If the answer is "no," then duh! What could/should you do to get you closer to where you want to be?

 The kairos model, in the U4 leadership system, is a great guide to evaluate the efficiency of your tasks and actions. Follow OAK Training, and check in here daily for more tips and tricks to shape your leadership journey.



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