Self Talk, the servant to greatness
The biggest obstacle in search of a "better life" is not found in the environment, but inside of you!
Your greatest challenge in search of fulfullment has been and always will be your self talk, your inner voice or mind mutter.
Mind mutter is to you the same as the ocean is to fish. Fish aren't conscious of the water that regulates their lives ... that is, until they try to fly.
With a splash, flying fish realise they are eternally bound to water, dependant on it to breathe, eat, and move - as you are to your inner voice, as you live a life governed by it.
Don't believe me? Try this as an experiment: stand in front of a mirror for a moment, connect with yoursellf in the reflection, then say: "I deserve a better life."
If you're lucky, your internal voice will agree wholeheartedly, offering advice to achieve a better life. For most people however, the response is more likely to be: "Hahahahah! Who do you think you are wanting a better life?" "He/She who wants, gets not!"
Your inner voice may be less cynical and respond with a polite: "Nah. This life is fine thanks. A better life needs effort, and we can't be bothered."
For the most part, fish are subjected to a life controlled by tides, currents and pressure. These are all invisible forces that herd the fish for the duration of their lives.
Similarly, people are shepherded along all the days of their lives too, oblivious to the fact that self talk was designed to be a servant to your achievements, and NOT a master.
Mind muttering is subjected to an inbuilt "veto" button, which is the equivalent to rubbing the magic lantern to guarantee the genie's blind obedience to giving you three wishes.
This button, however, is fickle, and needs to be mastered. A sword in the hands of a master is graceful and deadly, but the hands of a fool will surely bleed.
Are you ready to learn about the control button?
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