Coaching: When clients focus on want instead of need
As a life coach, I often deal with people that are crystal clear about their wants, while oblivious to what they need. This awareness is a result of focus on the rewards without recognizing the efforts that will give them the rewards.
What we want and what we need are not always the same thing. Someone may want a nice new car, but what they need is a job to pay for the car.
In many of the coaching sessions that I offer, I find that people come seeking goals when what they need is clarity. They feel a lack of ambition when actually it's a lack of focus. People want to give up for a lack of feedback when the root is a lack of momentum, and they complain about a lack of support or poor response when it's a lack of communication.
At the root of goal achievement, or success of any description, is the foundation stones of clarity, focus, momentum and communication.
Do you want to level up your success?
Stop, take a deep breath and ask: what lies below my wants and desires? What is the need at the foundation of my want?
Don't be too surprised if one of the four foundation stones pops up as the need.
Focus your energy and effort on addressing the need, and the want will be fulfilled as your reward.
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