The Leadership Triangle: Fueling the fire of success
The Leadership Triangle: Fueling the Fire of Success
A fire needs three elements to burn: heat, oxygen, and fuel. Together, they form the Fire Triangle. Take one element away, and the fire sputters out. It’s not a suggestion—it’s science.Leadership is no different. To spark success, you need the Leadership Triangle, which burns brightly when fueled by three essentials:
- Vision: The guiding light.
- A Leader: The Firestarter.
- A Team: The lifeblood.
But if even one element was removed, the Leadership Triangle collapses. Just like a fire dies, so too will a team’s ability to succeed.
No Vision, No Direction
Imagine trying to navigate a forest at night without a flashlight. You’d stumble over roots, circle back on yourself, and ultimately, never make it out.
Take vision out of the Leadership Triangle, and that’s exactly what happens. A team without vision is like a soccer match with no nets—players run, sweat, and kick the ball, but for what? There’s no destination, no scoreboard, and no glory.
Vision isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s the north star guiding the explorers across oceans on great voyages. Without it, even the best teams are lost in the dark.
No Team, No Momentum
Now, strip the team from the equation. What’s left?A leader stranded on the battlefield, carrying the banner alone. They may hold the grandest vision, but without people to bring it to life, it’s just a dream.
Picture a captain on a sinking ship with no crew to plug the leaks, man the pumps, or navigate the storm. Alone, even the strongest leader is powerless to keep the vessel afloat.
Without the team, there is no momentum. Leadership without a team is like a car without wheels—built for greatness but stuck in place.
No Leader, No Unity
And what happens when the leader is removed?
In the spirit of fairness, the South African government introduced “Coalition Farms,” where several families were assigned to manage a single farm—without a designated leader.
At first, excitement ran high. Each family had their own vision:
- One dreamed of cattle and built feedlots.
- Another bought sheep and chickens, fighting for grazing space.
- A third planted fields of maize and sunflower.
- The last envisioned vegetable tunnels.
Without a leader to unify their efforts, the farm descended into chaos. Tools broke. Resources ran dry. Arguments flared, and eventually everyone left. What was once a productive, thriving farm became a barren wasteland.
Leadership isn’t just about titles—it’s about being the curator of vision and the anchor that holds the team together. Without it, the cracks appear, and the dream crumbles.
Lessons from the Triangle
So, how do you keep the Leadership Triangle burning brightly?Fuel the Vision: Like firewood, vision needs replenishing. Revisit the team’s goals regularly, and keep them inspired with a clear, shared purpose.
- Ask, "Where are we going, and why does it matter?”
Feed the Team: A fire won’t burn without oxygen, and a team won’t thrive without support. Invest in their growth, celebrate wins, and ensure every member knows their role in the bigger picture.
- Ask: “What do my people need to succeed?”
Ignite the Leader: The firestarter can’t burn out. Leaders need to nurture their own skills and resilience to guide others effectively.
- Ask, "How am I showing up as the leader my team needs?”
Keeping the Fire Alive
A roaring fire doesn’t happen by chance—it’s tended with care. So too with leadership. Whether you’re leading a team, pursuing a vision, or both, remember this:
- Without vision, the spark fades.
- Without a team, the fire dwindles.
- Without a leader, the flames scatter.
Success demands all three elements, burning in harmony. Tend your fire. Feed your team. And never let the triangle break.
This piece is drawn from Tally Ho, Teams!, an insightful book on leadership by John Usher.
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