Thursday 12 March 2020

Pinky and the Corona virus

As a fan of juicy, world dominating, conspiracies, *drool,* what I really hate about these theories is the inevitable fate of the hapless victims.

 Conspiracies paint a picture where people are clueless, powerless, and directionless puppets controlled by unseen forces, like the illuminati, the Chinese, or even aliens.

 The "larger than life" threats range from mind altering chemicals slipped into the drinking water, infectious diseases intentionally flighted, or the "mother ship" looming behind the moon. All of which have the same effect on mankind: panicked scurrying around like rats in a lab, waiting to die.


 If the reality is that we are merely the victims of a worldwide con for "pharma" to make more profit, or worse yet - we're rats in a large scale lab as some science project, then I dibs to be "Pinky" from the famous lab rats that attempt to take over the world each night.

 So, what actions are available to the lab rats in this time of hysteria? Do nothing? Do we bury our heads in the sand? Pffft, this is simply not an acceptable option.

 Should we blame the goverment? GREAT! Let's give our power away. Even thought they have a massive role to play in minimising and managing the current disaster, never in the history of goverment has the goverment ever spearheaded a solution.

 Like Pinky and Brain, we, the lab rats, need to take ownership, not by attempting to take over the world, but taking back control of our own lab cages. We do this by first stilling the storm inside our own selves.

 Start by educating yourself about the Corona virus, not through "Big News Hype," but through informed sources. Angela James offers balanced Choices for family and Business alike. Look her up and empower yourself.

 From an informed position, make wise decisions that are good for you, your family, your business, and ... the country. We must keep in mind, we are in this together, and we need to act like responsible citizens. We need to stop promoting fear driven comments and concepts. Let's be the kind of people that offer support and encouragement, focused on finding solutions.

 Panic is a sign you have given away your power, which results in the loss of hope as we accept the inevitability of our fate. Yet, it's Pinky and the Brain's unyielding hope that drives them to escape the cage of fate each night, and to forge their own destiny.

 So Mr. & Mrs Conspiracist, you criticise those that believe in God for a solution? You bluntly mock those with hope for a positive outcome? Their hope strengthens their connection with God and humanity. Their hope urges the to be an active part of the solution. Isn't that what we should do during a global disaster?

 I urge you, take your head out of the sand, get informed, and step up as a responsible citizen by playing your role in the solution. The part of "the Brain" is vacant, and the World is waiting for you to audition.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Kay se rah, what will your actions be?

One would think that the actions taken to achieve a vision would actually take you closer to that goal. Indeed, successful people and companies alike focus on doing only the tasks and activities that carry them closer to their destination. This is called "efficiency."

 It's staggering to observe just how much "inefficiency" happens. People get caught up, worn down, and burnt out, committed to actions that at best, takes them no where, and at worst, takes them further away from their goal.

 What's really shocking is how many people actually take no action towards achievement of their ideal life at all, leaving the outcome to "che sera, sera, whatever will be will be." If they had no ambition, this attitude would be perfectly reasonable, but it is usually people with a dream that do nothing about it.

 "Faith," I hear you bellow. "The non-active are believing for the outcome" you reason. Possibly. However, faith is a strong emotion wrapped tightly in definitive actions, rarely demonstrated by the passively ambitious this article refers to.

 People tend to start out right, but in the haze of the sweat and grind they lose sight of the vision, getting bogged down in stuff. It doesn't matter how important the "stuff" is, it distracts from the success desired.

 Critical evaluation about actions, or the lack thereof, is necessary. Have a deep and honest look into the vision and actions taken, like only you can, and ask - does this action or task take me closer to my goal? If the answer is "yes," then hooray! If the answer is "no," then duh! What could/should you do to get you closer to where you want to be?

 The kairos model, in the U4 leadership system, is a great guide to evaluate the efficiency of your tasks and actions. Follow OAK Training, and check in here daily for more tips and tricks to shape your leadership journey.


Monday 9 March 2020

What is the U49 Leadership System?

A leader is defined as someone that guides a team to achieve a vision for a cause, a company, or even a country. The vision can be as simple as planting a tree, or as complex as taking a country to greatness. This definition of a leader touches every person, even you, in the process.

Whether you are the creator of the vision, or someone contracted to help achieve it, the U49 Leadership System has something special for everyone. With its unique philosophies and tools, the U49 is a development system for everything related to the achievement of a vision, offering advice and guidance to the beginner, and the seasoned leader.

The U49 Leadership System has four legs, including: leader, team, action, and vision. Each leg is loaded with laws, principles, and strategies that shape the leader's knowledge, skills, and attitude, equipping them with the mastery needed for successful vision achievement.

The four legs of the U49 melt effortlessly into three simple models that offer guidance to all the role players at different stages of the vision's process, and include:
• Tharros, the courage model, designed to help define the universal view, the "why" of the vision,
• Kairos, the opportunity model, designed to help pick the timing of the vision,
• Axios, the capacity model, designed to help the leader with the "how" of leadership strategy.

Separately, the three models offer answers to very specific questions in the vision's achievement. Together, the three models offer a complete guide to walking in the leader's inferno.

The U49, however, is not recommended for the faint of heart. It isn't a hack into psuedo-leadership, with bling and empty promises. The U49 offers leaders insight into the high road, and expects them to show up with grit and determination. It's a system focused on the development of leaders that are concerned about more than just their social media image, but have a vested interest in developing people, communities, provinces or even nations.

The U49 won't promise you a quick lesson, or speedy results. It will give you a sure and steady light to guide your leader, team, and vision development. Connect with OAK Training, as we offer more information, insights and events around the U49 Leadership System for your vision's success.


The U49 Leadership System

You are forgiven for thinking that the articles posted here over the last couple of months were random and haphazard. Nothing could be further from the truth.

 You may even think that the majority of articles were just emotional and religious, or at least "spiritual" in nature. Although that is partly true, it is not the whole truth.

 Fact of the matter is that all the articles have been deliberate and grouped into four categories, namely; the vision, the leader, the team, and the action. These four categories combined together form "leadership" as defined by the U49 leadership system.

 There is no doubt that what we do in our private lives affects our public performances. This idea is reinforced under the U49, with it assigning personal development topics to the leader, including; mission, truth, and the "I am."

 Actually, a lot of what falls under "the team," "the action," and "the vision" comes from the internal drive, values, beliefs, and principles of the leader. The U49 leadership system looks at a holistic development for the leader, including emotional and spiritual principles, in order to give the leader the best chance possible at success.

 The U49 offers training and guidance focused on and around the leader, and their view of being of service, in order to make leadership sustainable and of true value.

 With all the news and fears around disease sweeping the world, it is clear that our world has changed, and requires a leadership with a different perspective, a different heart, to be successful.

 Goodness knows we need a new breed of leader to stand up and offer hope. Isn't it time that you equipped yourself to be a part of the solution? Follow OAK Training for more articles on sustainable leadership as defined by the U49 leadership system.


Tharros, the courageous planning model

Fear of the unknown stops many people from living their best life. Mediocrity slips in, making their existence a drag, simply because they're afraid to let their potential see the light of day.

 When people say they are afraid of the unknown, you must know that they haven't planned! Planning is the simple art of throwing potential into the darkness of the unknown, and allowing its brilliance to shine a light on the path we ought to take to move forward.

 Most visions and dreams never manifest because they're never planned out. Planning inevitably reveals the challenges and efforts that lie waiting, ready to pounce, ready to paralyse, somewhere between our present and the success we want in the future. This evokes fear in the planner and puts people off from attempting to live out greatness.

Tharros, the courage model of the U49 leadership system, is a tool to plan the way forward in a manner that instills confidence. The model encourages planning in logical steps, asking us to develop mastery in each phase, which stirs bravery to attempt the next. 

Talk to me about how to get more information on the U49 leadership system, with its unique Tharros Model of courageous planning. When we know where we want to go, we can prepare ourselves for the challenges that await us. In this process, the fear of the unknown is whittled away to reveal calculated steps, each minimising the risks, each step defining the next, until we have a clear, well lit, walkable path ahead of us.


Sunday 8 March 2020

The Axios Model for Leadership

There are few things as valuable as having confidence in your own ability. Your ability will open doors and paint your trail with greatness, if ... you trust it.

 Many people make a decision only to be racked with doubt. Second guessing your decision undermines the choice, weakening its foundation, making it vulnerable to collapse. 

As a leader, there is a lot at stake when you make a choice. Even though we know - he who hesitates loses - we still succumb to doubt and insecurities. I've seen more owners destroy their businesses by not making a definitive decision, than those that made a bad choice and stuck with it.

 Confidence will make up for some incompetence, but indecisiveness will erode even the most lucrative of ideas. The U49's Axios Model put a "choice assistant" in the hands of the decision maker, boosting confidence in the choice taken. The extra confidence stirs faith in the heart of those willing to attempt the impossible, setting the stage for miracles and wonders.

 The Axios Model is a tool that any one can pick up when faced with a decision, and use the many facets, clues, guides and tips to provoke conscious thinking and planning around any number of problems related to leadership, team development, vision, mission, and strategy.

 The Axios Model is an integral part of the U49 Leadership System, working in harmony with two other powerful models that will help you achieve the success you want in business, around your vision, or in life.

 Talk to me about how you can get more information on the Axios Model, and the U49 leadership system. Equip yourself, your team, or your business with the principles of leadership success today.


Tuesday 3 March 2020

The Kairos Model

Knowing when to make the right decision needs more than just having information, it requires a confidence, a toughness of mind, and an unshakable desire to carry out the decision.

 Timing is the creator of good leaders, and undertaker of the bad ones. The leader needs the timing of a decision to be perfect, in order to drive the vision forward. There are few skills as critical as timing to the ongoing development and existence of a leader.

In times past, leaders where left to haphazardly discover the value of a well timed move, and to practice it like a blind man throwing darts at a target he has never seen. 

The "timing model" in the U49 Leadership System, KAIROS, let's leaders learn decision making with a "safety net" in place. The kairos model divides vision achievement into nine key decision "moments," helping the leader pick the right time to make a decision in the vision's favour. The kairos model plots the vision's position on a "timing map," allowing the leader to observe the progress from an objective viewpoint, enabling clear headed review and effective decision making.

 The kairos model is a simple diagram that can be used by anyone seeking help to achieve a goal, a dream, or a vision of any description. It offers guidance to help you recognise exactly where you are in the process, taking the guess work out of what type of decision needs to be made in the moment.

 The U49's kairos model offers you the tool to keep your vision on track, making success inevitable. This unique model that forms a third of the U49 Leadership System is currently only available from OAK Training.

 Drop your email address in the comments if you would like to know more about how the Kairos Model can help make your dream come true.


Monday 2 March 2020

Kairos, it's in timing that you win

"When is it my turn?" The mumbling tumbles inside our head, as we do our best to validate the success of others, putting on our best smile and applauding loudly. Although jealousy doesn't enter our heart, there is that gnawing sense of frustration as we wait in the wings for our chance.

 "KAIROS" is the Greek word for making the right decision at the right time. Timing is a critical factor in our personal success, earmarked by the ability to make good decisions, which is incredibly difficult to teach budding leaders.

 Mentors struggle to carry over the concept of "kairos," because they rush to teach it too soon, ironically bungling the timing . The skills and philosophy of kairos defies mere knowledge, requiring instead a heart that chooses to understand. Kairos is preceded by and stands on the shoulders of "AXIOS," the intrinsic sense of being worthy, capable and able.

 A strong relationship with the "I am" straightens the learning leader's spine, lifts his or her chin, and brightens their eye. In axios, they know who they are, where they have come from, and where they are headed. The spirit of axios lays the correct foundation for kairos to flourish in the leader, but it too takes time and a heart to understand.

The axios heart is forged in the fires of experience. It is at the edge of the fire, deciding whether or not they should stride forward, that leaders are separated from the followers that opt to turn away. "THARROS" is courage, required to pursue the leadership calling. The potential leader must face the fact that walking into the fire of experience means the attacks come from all sides, in many forms, without rest. Tharros, courage, beckons through the flames to all of those paused at the edge, pondering, doubting, questioning.

 It takes courage to step into the role of leadership, and it is that very courage that shapes the leaders sense of worth and ability, without which kairos is impossible. The call of leadership is masked as the call to face our fears, to push through our challenges. It is a call to overcome and learn through experience. It's with cinder still crackling, sodden with the stench of smoke that the leader rises out of the fire, to glory.

 Stepping forward, you must embrace tharros (courage) to face your challenges, and gain experience. Experience forges a healthy leader identity, axios, which calmly and confidently makes the right decision at the right time, kairos. It is your time. It is your time to face your challenges, and to overcome them. It is your time to realise your worth. It is your time to make the right decision, and win!


The importance of using values to make decisions

Making decisions can be tough. From small decisions, such as what to have for breakfast, to life-changing decisions, like which career path ...